The details entered on this page are sent to the Club Contact, David, Andrew, Megan and Paul.

Club Details

    (You Must Check this! It will appear on the photos)
      (You Must Check this! It will be on photos)

Organisation Contact Details


Photoshoot Details





Other Details


Digital Thumbnails
£10 Voucher
10% of Sales
15% of Sales
20% of Sales
School Warhol Canvas (MUST be cleared with David or Andrew)
School Canvas (MUST be cleared with David or Andrew)
FREE Staff photos
FREE Digital group photos (MUST be cleared with David or Andrew)



*Partner Clubs must send in their club sponsor’s logo no later than 5 days after the shoot if they want them to be used on commission products.
*Catch-up Shoots for anyone who can’t attend the main shoot will be charged at £150 (plus VAT) per day if requested by the club.